If you don’t have a chance to go to Artbasel in Miami, don’t miss opportunity to visit all those exhibitions in the beginning of May.
The fifth edition of Art New York presented by Art Miami took a place at May 2-5, 2019 at Pier 94. 33,600 prestigious private and institutional collectors and 74 international galleries have been presented at this art fair.
We got the chance to visit it this year and chose top 10 artists at tis art fair, would love to present you.
1. Oliver Czarnetta - Character, Spectrum Model #olivercraznette

2. Steven McCurry @stevenmccurryofficial - Sharbat Gula (Afgan Girl), 1994

3. Dominic Besner @dominic_besner - Les Princes Constelles

4. Giovanni Gastel @giovanni_gastel - Metamorphosis

5. Rodolfo Viola - Untitled, 2015

6. Mark Seliger @markseliger - Kurt Cobain

7. Max Papeschi @maxpapeschi - American Wedding

8. Jonas Leriche @jonasleriche - scull chromed in chrome bad and imbedded with swarovski crystals and spikes. Finished with colored snake skin and marble.

9. Manuel Felguerz - Sin Titulo

10. Marck - Clockwork, 2015 video sculpture

Looking forward for the next May Exhibition!
Author @darimudrova