The biggest and best pho tography in NYC at 2019 took a place at Pier 94, 4-7 April 2019. The 39d Edition of the Show presented more than 10 countries, 40 American cities, 90 world leading photography galleries, more than 30 book dealers and publishers, Art talks during the event, and the opportunity to see best world wide artworks.
The exhibition included contemporary photography, modern art stream, and even 19th century photographers, as well and digital art media content.
Lot of New Yorkers, art photographers and professionals annually visit this show.
We enjoyed it a lot and did the list of our favorite AIPAD Photography Artworks this year and looking forward to the 40th Anniversary Edition Show next year.
1. Smith Rodney
“Woman with Hat Between Hedges, Parc de Sceaux, France, 2004.
"Saori on Sea Plane Wing", Dominican Republic, 2010
IG @_rodneysmith
2. Irving Penn B&W Fashion with Handbag “B”, 1950

3. Rania Matar - A Girl and Her Room. 50 photographs 2009 - 2011.
IG @raniamatar

4. Melvin Sokolsky - Bubble Serie
IG @sokolsky

5. George Rousse Seoul - Blue Circle, 2016 C-Print
Web site:

7. David Yarrow - The Cirle of Life II, Kenya, 2015/2018
IG @davidyarrow

8. Michael Wolf (b. 1954) Night #23, 2007
Web site:

9. Harry Benson - Berlin Kiss.
IG @harrybensoncbe

10. Arthur Elgort Gia, Fire Island, 1980
IG @arthurelgort

11. Jefferson Hayman
IG @jeffersonhayman

12. Tyler Haughey - Gold Crest Resort Motel , 2016
IG @tylerhaughey

And much more amazing artworks, it's very hard to choose!
Looking forward for the next one!
Author @darimudrova